Betta Care Sheet

Betta Care Sheet

Fighting Fish Sometimes called “Siamese Fighting Fish”, betta belong to the family Osphronemidae, which includes a number of gourami species. They live in shallow pools, small streams, roadside ditches and even rice paddies. The water is sluggish, very warm and often...
Betta Fish: The Dazzling Siamese Fighting Fish

Betta Fish: The Dazzling Siamese Fighting Fish

Betta fish, also called Siamese fighting fish, are small, colorful fish that are native to Southeast Asia and common in the pet trade. In Thailand, people call betta fish “pla kat,” which means “fighting fish,” and it couldn’t be a more...
Key Differences Between Midges And Mosquitoes

Key Differences Between Midges And Mosquitoes

Some of you may have noticed a large number of insects in the air lately. Most of these are midges; harmless creatures that are a natural part of the ecosystem. But what is a midge and why are they here in such large numbers this year?     Midges are small...
Bloodworm Facts (Everything You Need to Know)

Bloodworm Facts (Everything You Need to Know)

If you are in any shape or form associated with fish-keeping, then you surely would have come across the term Bloodworms, in relation to fish food. One of the most sought-after fish baits, Bloodworms are always in demand by aquarists. But what exactly are Bloodworms?...
How To Professionally Train Betta Fighters To Fight?

How To Professionally Train Betta Fighters To Fight?

To begin training your plakats for combat,  start by conditioning their scales with Indian Almond Leaf and a small amount of sea salt in their individual containers for one week.  The water should look like tea.  Feed them once a day with wholesome food such as blood...